简介:中国首家康得思度假型酒店,位于东钱湖畔马山湿地旁,临近南宋石刻公园与福泉山茶场景区,全心以您为本,体验非凡! 酒店拥有252套全市稀有宽敞舒适的豪华客房及别墅,每间客房均配备有首屈一指的洗浴间和露台,足不出户即可欣赏青山碧水醉人的自然风光。 酒店拥有5个精选餐饮设施:全日餐厅东悦市集,明阁中餐厅,湖居特色餐厅,大堂酒吧及29度酒吧。 800平方米、高达7.5米的多功能豪华无柱式大宴会厅可独立分隔为3个独立的中型宴会厅,另外酒店还可提供户外场地供婚礼仪式使用。 酒店还配有3个超大型室内外儿童主题乐园,室内游泳池和「川」水疗中心! 酒店园林叠瀑环绕,个性化的关怀服务,打造难忘的独特活动记忆以及让您在褪去城市繁华后享受一份宁静与舒适。 Cordis在拉丁文中意为「心」,寓意旗下一系列现代高级酒店,以发自内心的热忱,致力于为商务、个人和家庭旅客提供一切以客人为本的服务。 The first Cordis Resort in China, located next to Dongqian Lake, walking distance to Mashan Wetland and close to the stone carving museum of the Southern Song Dynasty and Fuquan Mountain. Heartfelt Service with extraordinary experiences. The hotel features 252 spacious guest rooms and villas with stunning views of Dongqian Lake and the surrounding mountain scape. A large bathroom and Sun Terrace invites guests to relax and recharge from the busy city. The hotel has five food and beverage outlets: All Day Dining Cordis Market, Chinese Restaurant Ming Court, Specialty Restaurant Lake House, Lobby Lounge and Bar 29°. A variety of function rooms deliver multiple choices to guests. Featuring the 800 SQM pillar-less Cordis Ballroom with 7.5M ceiling height, the perfect venue for weddings, social events, meetings and conferences. The Cordis Ballroom can be partitioned into 3 smaller rooms for flexibility. In addition, the hotel`s expansive lawn and outdoor terrace are alternative venues to create unforgettable outdoor event moments. Created for families with children, an extensive Indoor and Outdoor Kids Activities Center, comprehensive Fitness Centre, Indoor Swimming Pool and “Chuan” Spa to exercise or just relax. The Cordis Dongqian Lake is situated in a tranquil garden setting surrounded by mountain and lake views. Cordis comes from the Latin word for heart, a perfect illustration of how we are devoted to well-being in every sense of the word, be it social, emotional and physical.
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